SAHD Regulations
Certificate of Appropriateness
Historic Preservation Ordinance (pdf)
Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Program (pdf)
City Services
Reporting Street Light Outage
To report a street light outage, contact Oncor to request a repair or replacement,
To report by phone, call 1-888-313-4747
To submit a service request online, click here:
Request Additional Street Lights
To request consideration for additional street lights to be installed on your block, call the City Of Dallas Lighting Service at 214-670-6904
Alliance Against Crime
For urgent matters requiring immediate attention, or to report suspicious activity of any kind, call 911. You may also email our District Representative for Alliance Against Crime, David Dean, at and David will let our ENP patrolmen, Officers Zacarias and Humphrey, know of your concerns.
For Immediate Concerns, Call 911
Support the Alliance Against Crime, Online
More about the Alliance Against Crime
Support Alliance Against Crime
Your contributions to Alliance Against Crime, paid monthly or annually, help to underwrite the additional security patrols that keep our families, our homes, and our District a safe and welcoming place to live. Payments can be made using the PayPal button below:
Contact Our ENP Patrol Officers
The Swiss Avenue Historic District employs Extended Neighborhood Patrol officers to augment the taxpayer-funded security services provided by the Dallas Police Department. Our ENP Patrol Officers deliver an additional layer of law enforcement visibility to help deter crime throughout the District. To contact our ENP Officers:
Luis "Zac" Zacarias
Central Patrol Division – NPO
Matt Humphrey
Central Patrol Division – NPO
2023-2024 Board Of Directors
President: Natalie Kinvig (4949 Swiss Avenue)
Executive Vice President​: Louise Finley (5421 Swiss Avenue)
Secretary: ​Jean Maier Dean (5420 Swiss Avenue)
Treasurer: Michael Hartman (5703 Swiss Avenue)
Parliamentarian: Christine Reagan Loh (4930 Swiss Avenue)
2023-2024 Alternate At-Large Directors
​Diane Brumbelow (6150 Bryan Parkway)
Michael Carleton (5501 Bryan Street)
Joanie Dickson (6132 Bryan Parkway)
Adam Schaub (5948 Bryan Parkway)
2023-2024 Block Directors
5943 – 6019 Bryan Pkwy & Beacon: Scott Gandara-Morgan, Josh Killian (alternate)
6020-6049 Bryan Pkwy: Jordan Kaiser, Robert Thomas (alternate)
6100-6126 Bryan Pkwy: Bob Cox, Kathryn Brown (alternate)
6127-6151 Bryan Pkwy:Diane Brumbelow, William Jennings (alternate)
6200 Bryan Parkway: Debby Rogers, Kevin Rogers (alternate)
6300 Bryan Parkway: Mike Fennell, Barbara Fennell (alternate)
La Vista: Wayne Noble, Varnado Williams (alternate)
Live Oak: Nancy Phillips, Jeremy Givens (alternate)
4900 Swiss: Cameron Kinvig, Jordan August (alternate)
5000-5100 Swiss: Craig Rekerdres, Martha Hulse (alternate)
5200-5300 Swiss: Ken Keusel, Jeff Woodson (alternate)
5400 Swiss: David Dean, James Finley (alternate)
5500 Swiss & Bryan St.: Laura McCavit, Rhonda McCune (alternate)
5600 Swiss: Jerry Baus, Daniel Watters (alternate)
5700 Swiss: Elizabeth Mast, Kim McCrea (alternate)
5803-5916 Swiss: Courtney Fahnestock, Chris Kelsey (alternate)
5921-6102 Swiss: Tim Howell, Marian Mohamed (alternate)
2023-2024 Committee Chairs
Alliance Against Crime: David Dean (5420 Swiss Avenue)
Beautification/Median: Paul Hartman (5527 Swiss Avenue) & Mariana Greene (6045 Bryan Parkway)
Children's Committee: Carrie & Bryan Davis (6303 Bryan Parkway)
VP-Home Tour Committee: Charlotte Kerr & Zach Swanson (6151 Bryan Parkway)
VP-Occasional: Peter Loh (4930 Swiss Avenue)
Outreach Committee: Tonia Ashworth Kuesel (5215 Swiss Avenue)
Planning & Zoning Committee: Ken Kuesel (5215 Swiss Avenue)
Social Committee: Cameron King (4949 Swiss Avenue)
Website Committee: Bob Cox (6119 Bryan Parkway)
2023-2024 Nominating Committee
Jerry Baus, , Bob Bracken, Jean Maier Dean, Louise Finley, Michael Hartman, Peter Loh, Risa Weinberger
The Aldredge House
Aldredge House on Swiss Avenue
5500 Swiss Avenue
214.823.2972 office
DCMSA Aldredge House Property Managers:
Joel Murray, (720) 436-5783, Email:
Jessica Hilvitz, (415) 847-0299, Email:
DCMSA Aldredge House Chair: RuLan Hebeler, (214) 906-4410, Email:
Dr. Sandy Brothers, (214) 802-8951, Email:
Dr. Michael Holub, (214) 460-0827, Email:
Friends of Aldredge House
Friends of Aldredge House, a non-profit organization, has focused goals to provide long-term financial security and ongoing preservation and operational support for Aldredge House as a historic house museum. In partnership with the Dallas County Medical Society Alliance Foundation, the home’s owners, we offer educational programs, tours and outreach to the entire community on the benefits of historic preservation, cultural traditions, architecture and the arts.
To become a supporting member of Friends of Aldredge House, CLICK HERE.
The Sanborn Insurance Maps
The Sanborn Insurance Maps, drafted in the early 1920s, can be used as property reference guides and for various historic-documentation purposes when a structure in the district is being renovated. To access the full collection of Sanborn Insurance Maps for The Swiss Avenue Historic District, go here:
Once there, scroll down to the directory listing titled:
Dallas 1922 - Volume 3 (Vickery, Belmont, Munger Place, Junius Heights, and Mt. Auburn area)​
Then, to find the numbered map sheet that contains your street name and address, click on the item titled: